Flying in the pit area

Twice I have launched and landed in the pit/car park area to keep away from the main flying activity. This is not setting a good example and is fraught with danger, of course. No more excuses for me – I won’t do it again. A partial exception could be the hand-launching of a glider, when […]

Super Glue and Baking Soda

Today, I was working on a smashed-up floater (won’t tell you who the owner is), and used an excellent method to fill gaps. Super glue is very thin and needs to have the parts perfectly fit together. In other words, it doesn’t bridge gaps well as epoxy or PVA (woodworking) glue does. However, if you […]

Radio Interference

Introduction We had three severe crashes recently, which can not be attributed to pilot errors. The models’ controls moved so fast and violently that it would be almost impossible to replicate this, even with the most nervous thumbs. Equipment failure is the first thought, however, the three incidences were very similar and occurred with different […]