Gliding is a passion

I’m still harping on this subject and, perhaps, I can ignite a bit of gliding passion in someone.

Both of us, Angelika and Manfred, were glider pilots once. This is were our passion started – gliding I mean.

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These were old and heavy “Plywood Bombers” Ka7, but quite an improvement to the even older Minimoa


Today there are very advanced gliders made of space-age material such as the Ventus 2, which you can see here releasing water ballast. The weight is needed to fly fast from one thermal to another.

Ventus 2

There are two launching techniques: winching or aerotowing.


A typical winch. At East Sale, where I was stationed with the RAAF, the local club used another method. A car and steel cable towed the glider along the runway, enough to gain 700 to 800 ft.

Winch launch

The “richer” pilots could afford to pay a tug plane for aerotowing.


As exciting as the “real” gliding looks, model gliding can hold its own. Unfortunately, good performance model gliders cost upwards from a thousand dollars – beyond this retiree. So, let’s start building our own “Balsa and Plywood Bomber.”


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Paul McIntyre 

A founding club member has passed away after a short fight with cancer On behalf of EastCoast RC Flyers, myself and my family, we send our condolences to your family

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