Types of model kits and construction level required
The manufacturers offer models built with different material and to different stages of completion. Material used in the construction of models Balsa and plywood models are built in the traditional way, very similar to the construction of a “real” aeroplane. Styrofoam is not often used, as it breaks and dents easily. Hoever, it is […]
Choosing your model aircraft
Many interested model flyers are tempted by the agility of an aerobatic helicopter or aeroplane. And those who give way to the temptation, soon will learn that it is not easy to fly such a plane or helicopter. Your first plane should be a trainer or glider such as HobbyKing’s Bixler (see below). Our club […]
Basic Electronic Equipment
The term “remote-controlled” aircraft implies that we need some form of electronic equipment to control the model. Transmitter This is commonly called a radio or informally known as “tranny.” The transmitter can be a simple device costing around $20 or a sophisticated piece of equipment that can set you back thousands of dollars. Generally […]