By now, everyone is able to perform the perfect belly landing with a Bixler or a wing. Some have even mastered to land on all three wheels, or two wheels, in the case of a tail-dragger.
A few members have progressed beyond the basic landings towards the more advanced techniques (see below). So, that everyone can catch up with the senior pilots, here are the four techniques you will eventually need to be able to implement:
The One-Wheel Landing
At some stage in your model flying career, you will, undoubtedly, loose a wheel during flight. To avoid a disaster during landing, the one-wheel landing should be practiced. Below, the experienced club pilots are showing you how this is done:
The Flip-Over Landing
When you are running out of runway, or a Kelpie is staring you down on landing, it is necessary to come to an immediate full-stop. Unfortunately, our model aeroplanes don’t have reverse thrust or wheel brakes. Therefore, every advanced pilots will perform a flip-over, which will bring the plane to a rapid halt.
The Wing-Over Landing
A modification of the above technique is the wing-over landing. It is not recommended that beginners practice this method, as it is very difficult and only the best are able to perform such a landing style:
The Head-In-The-Sand Landing
There is the myth that ostriches bury their head in the sand when asked to perform a perfect landing. Everyone knows that ostriches can’t fly, so the real reason could well be that they are ashamed of not being able to fly.
The head-in-the sand landing method is quite suitable for beginners and advanced pilots alike. When any of the above three methods have failed, you can always bury the model’s head in the dirt and pretend that nothing has happened – or feel ashamed.