Australia day fly in Friday the 26 all welcome
Paul McIntyre
A founding club member has passed away after a short fight with cancer On behalf of EastCoast RC Flyers, myself and my family, we send our condolences to your family and friends and thinking of you all in these sad times Now able to fly where ever, or when ever his fancy takes him, In […]
Annual General Meeting 2023
Please join us on Sunday 2nd of July at 10:00 for the Annual General Meeting. Will be followed by flying and a BBQ, weather permitting.
Australia Day 2023
Come join us for a fun fly on Thursday 26th to celebrate Australia Day on beautiful East Coast at St Helens. Starts at 9am. General Flying for all MAAA Members.
Sunday 18th October 2020
Another post with a photo gallery from our weekend of flying.
Foamboard flies better?
Amongst RC pilots there has always been the discussion on what flies better: foamies or balsa-built models. The balsa group created the catch phrase “Balsa flies better.” One can even buy a t-shirt with the slogan printed boldly across the chest. Now we can add another point of argument. Does foamboard fly better? You have […]