Sunday 18th October 2020

Another post with a photo gallery from our weekend of flying.
Kole’s Foamboard Bug
The disease is spreading and young Kole has the BUG – the “foamboard-building-bug.” It is highly contagious, and there is no antidote presently available. Some have tried to make a tea with balsa dust and plywood flakes – all to no avail.
Advanced Landing Techniques
By now, everyone is able to perform the perfect belly landing with a Bixler or a wing. Some have even mastered to land on all three wheels, or two wheels, in the case of a tail-dragger. A few members have progressed beyond the basic landings towards the more advanced techniques (see below). So, that […]
How to launch a wing – safely
Launching a wing with a pusher prop can be quite hazardous (see picture below). If, during a launch, one doesn’t take the hand away quickly, the prop can cut into the fingers and/or hand, causing serious injuries. Our club members are an inventive lot and came up with three safe methods of launching […]
How to determine the wind direction
Determining the wind direction is not an easy task. The Bureau of Meteorology employs public servants and pays them a good salary to find an answer to this question using expensive electronic and mechanical equipment. In the field we don’t have this option, so we have to improvise. Here are some well-proven ways to achieve […]
Logo Design
There are a few designs ready for commenting. Either leave a comment (log in) or send me an email with your choice or choices. If you have another idea, please let me know, but we have to make up our minds at some time. Logo 1 Logo 2 Logo 3 Logo […]